With enormous thanks to Anita Campbell for taking these notes.

Blogging from The Tenth Southern Hemisphere Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics

Prof Leigh Wood from Macquarie University.

Opening Real Science

Leigh Wood

Working with pre-service teachers.

$2.3 million grant (R23 million)! A large project.

Aim to link ‘real’ scientists with educators to improve the outcomes in STEM for school students.

Challenge: Values of maths and science department were about the discipline; the values of education department were about the students.

Australia has a new maths curriculum, including statistics and financial maths.

Online modules, each 4 weeks work.

  • To infinity and beyond
  • Statistical Literacy
  • Smart budgeting
  • Investing and Protecting, includes superannuation, credit, protecting through insurance

Scale is a theme used across all modules.

Design principles

Inquiry-based … (see slide)

Design requirements

On-line delivery, currently as a moodle site hosted by Macquarie University. Available for others to use.

Google Opening Real Science and look for link to Moodle site.

Sarah.rosen@mq.edu.au for guest access.


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