Presentation of the Mathemafrica framework to an Italian audience

Today I am presenting some of the ideas behind the Mathemafrica project to an Italian meeting, discussing the outcomes of the AIMS-imaginary meeting last month. The presentation can be found here:

Mathemafrica – Italian discussion

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By | December 17th, 2014|Background, English, Level: Simple, News|1 Comment

A personal introduction

I write this before Mathemafrica publicly launches. I want to give a little background about myself, what I am doing now, and what I see as the potential for Mathemafrica.

I am originally from England, Oxford to be precise. From a very early age I was fascinated with the way the world worked, being that pestering, questioning child who won’t take ‘just because’ for an answer. I was very lucky to discover early on that not only were there fascinating questions to be asked, but answers when you knew the right places to look. I was lucky to have resources at my fingertips and museums just down the road where there were mysteries to be solved on every trip. My curiosity was not sated by reading books and so I went on to study physics at University. After four years and still hungry for more I thought that a PhD might finally put a stop to my questioning, but of course that only added to the arsenal of tools at my disposal for answering them.…

By | December 13th, 2014|Background, English, Level: Simple|0 Comments

AIMS-Newsletter with a report on maths communication in Africa

Check out the latest issue of the AIMS newsletter. It features images and a report on the AIMS-IMAGINARY workshop on “Mathematics Communication in Africa” and the exhibition, shown at AIMS-South Africa in Muizenberg.

Read the full newsletter:

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By | December 8th, 2014|English, News|0 Comments