Numeric Teaching Fellowships – Applications Now Open – Please Share!

Enjoy teaching?

Passionate about Maths?
Want to earn your teaching qualification?
Apply for a Teaching Fellowship with the 
The Numeric Teaching Academy (NTA) provides Teaching Fellowships for university graduates to train to become maths teachers. This one-year program consists of three main components: the post-graduate certification in education (PGCE) through UNISA (distance learning); content, practical and classroom management workshops at the Academy; and a teaching internship at one of Numeric’s afterschool programs in Khayelitsha, Mfuleni or Mitchells Plain.
Teaching Fellowships are fully funded and cover the cost of tuition, textbooks, a laptop, and a monthly living stipend.
It is an intensive, yet rewarding program in which you will learn much about mathematics, teaching, and yourself. Students who apply and are accepted join a vibrant and friendly community of people who are passionate about maths education and who believe that education is the most powerful driver of change in society. 
By | May 31st, 2017|Advertising, News|0 Comments

FYE Conference 2017 – Claire Blackman: Modelling learning, unlearning and relearning in large classes

Modelling learning, unlearning and relearning in large classes

Claire Blackman, Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, UCT

Presentation at the SANRC First Year Experience (FYE) conference, Johannesburg 24- – 26 May 2017

Context: Claire teachers first year commerce students who do not necessarily want to do maths.

Alvin Toffler quote: “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”

Change is a way of life but adapting to change is hard and people are not very good at it. We have to learn how to learn and relearn and unlearn.

How I teach is more important than the content.

The world needs people who own and learn from their mistakes and think before responding.

Two useful models:

  1. Krathwohl’s taxonomy (published by Bloom) for thinking about the individual
  2. Group therapy to get students in an emotional comfortable space

Krathwohl’s taxonomy of the affective domain can help to see if students are learning

  1. Living (Integrating values into life)
  2. Organising
  3. Valuing
  4. Responding
  5. Receiving

A group analytic framework

  • Environment (psychological structure, class boundaries)
    • Students and teachers need to feel safe
  • Process (how is the class run)
  • Content
    • Maths
    • Tools for dealing with fear and uncertainty e.g.
By | May 30th, 2017|Uncategorized|1 Comment

Digital Storytelling

From Health Professional to Film Producer in One Easy Workshop: Creating Digital Stories

Penny Gill, CPUT

Presentation at the SANRC First Year Experience (FYE) conference, J0hannesburg 24 – 26 May 2017

A digital story is

–        a short, first person multi-media video narrative that documents human life experiences ideas or feelings through story-telling.

–        an exciting way to captivate students, amplifies student voice, encourages critical thinking, can give access to a global audience.

To get students to make a digital story:

–        obtain ethical approval

–        Use a computer literacy questionnaire and offer support if needed

–        Consider copyright and confidentiality

–        Obtain permission from students to use videos in conferences and presentations

–        Students write a 500 word story

–        The video must be 4-6 minutes or less

–        Brainstorm ideas to fit purpose and audience – mindmaps/community maps can help

–        30-40% of time is thinking, planning and synthesising (organising)

–        Plan sequence of story using a storyboard: pictures with words/music  saying what this

scene must achieve.…

By | May 28th, 2017|Conference|0 Comments