Numeric Teaching Fellowships – Applications Now Open – Please Share!
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Enjoy teaching?
Claire Blackman, Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, UCT
Presentation at the SANRC First Year Experience (FYE) conference, Johannesburg 24- – 26 May 2017
Context: Claire teachers first year commerce students who do not necessarily want to do maths.
Alvin Toffler quote: “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”
Change is a way of life but adapting to change is hard and people are not very good at it. We have to learn how to learn and relearn and unlearn.
How I teach is more important than the content.
The world needs people who own and learn from their mistakes and think before responding.
Two useful models:
Krathwohl’s taxonomy of the affective domain can help to see if students are learning
A group analytic framework
From Health Professional to Film Producer in One Easy Workshop: Creating Digital Stories
Penny Gill, CPUT
Presentation at the SANRC First Year Experience (FYE) conference, J0hannesburg 24 – 26 May 2017
A digital story is
– a short, first person multi-media video narrative that documents human life experiences ideas or feelings through story-telling.
– an exciting way to captivate students, amplifies student voice, encourages critical thinking, can give access to a global audience.
To get students to make a digital story:
– obtain ethical approval
– Use a computer literacy questionnaire and offer support if needed
– Consider copyright and confidentiality
– Obtain permission from students to use videos in conferences and presentations
– Students write a 500 word story
– The video must be 4-6 minutes or less
– Brainstorm ideas to fit purpose and audience – mindmaps/community maps can help
– 30-40% of time is thinking, planning and synthesising (organising)
– Plan sequence of story using a storyboard: pictures with words/music saying what this
scene must achieve.…