Proof by induction winner: Gianluca Truda

With many congratulations for the winning entry, as voted for by mostly MAM1000W students!

At the end of every year, many families celebrate the holiday season by decorating a Christmas tree, and almost all of them will use some form of lights. The kind of cheap lights that sit on a long wire that gets wrapped around a tree, and then sparkle in a whole lot of awesome colours when you plug them into the power socket.


In my family, we have a whole lot of these kinds of cheap, fragile lights in a big box. Every year, when we decorate the tree, the box gets opened and is full of hopelessly tangled wires which were hastily shoved in the year before. It’s always a bit of a pain untangling the wires and it can get really
boring testing each string of lights to see if they are still working.…

By | April 23rd, 2016|Courses, First year, MAM1000, Undergraduate|3 Comments

Proof by induction for a non-mathematician – a competition: Vote for the winner!

I set a voluntary assignment for my course a few weeks back. Students had just learned about proof by induction, and I tend to find that this is a subject which many get confused by. I think that one of the best ways to really understand a topic is to try and teach it to someone else, so I set up an exercise which was to write an explanation of Proof by Induction for a young high school student. We had around 100 entries, which took a while to read through! Of these 100 entries there were four which stood out (and many which were also very good). We (myself, and two senior tutors) have been unable to come up with an outright winner. That’s where you come in!


Please take a look at the following entries, and vote for the one that you think is best at this link:…

By | April 12th, 2016|Competition, Courses, First year, MAM1000, Undergraduate|2 Comments

Galileoscope in action

Solomon Malesa, who won the translation competition has sent through photos of him in action with the Galileoscope. Congratulations again to Solomon, and thank you for the great pictures!Mathematics_architecture

How clear is this post?
By | September 4th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments