Ten Great Ideas about Chance – By Persi Diaconis & Brian Skyrms, a review

NB. I was sent this book as a review copy.


From Princeton University Press

This book straddles a tricky middle ground, given that it introduces topics from scratch and goes into some very specific details of them in a relatively few pages, before jumping onto the next. On starting to read it, I was skeptical of how this could possible work, but by the end of it I believe that I saw the real utility of a book like this. The audience is quite specific, but for them it will be a gem.

The book covers a huge range of ideas related to chance, from the underlying mathematics of probability, to the psychology of decision making, the physics of chaos and quantum mechanics, the problems inherent in induction and inference and much more besides.

The book is taken from a long-running course at Stanford which the authors taught for a number of years, and they have tried to condense down the most important aspects of it to a relatively light book.…

By | December 31st, 2017|Uncategorized|1 Comment

Brazil Delta Conference 2017, Keynote presentation by Marcelo de Carvalho Borba and João Meyer: Modelling in education!

Modelling in education! Modelling and statistics in research


By Marcelo de Carvalho Borba (mborba@rc.unesp.br; Facebook Marcelo Borba)

and João Frederico C. A. Meyer (joni@ime.unicamp.br)

Joni small

Keynote presentation at the 11th Southern Hemisphere Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics, ‘Brazil Delta 2017’ for short, 27 November 2017

How to teach modelling to teenagers? There has just been the 10th conference on Modelling in Education in Brazil – we can say this topic has become a trend.

Modelling may help to answer the question, “Why am I studying this?”

Bringing modelling to teacher education may help teachers to use modelling in school teaching and keep students interested in STEM career paths.

Annual Perspectives of Mathematics Education, the yearbook of the National Congress of Mathematics Teachers in America had Modelling as a theme for the yearbook – a sign that this is a topic becoming of greater interest.…

By | December 5th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments