Correlation vs Mutual Information
This post is based on a (very small) part of the (dense and technical) paper Fooled by Correlation by N.N. Taleb, found at (1)
Notes on the main ideas in this post are available from Universidad de Cantabria, found at (2)
The aims of this post are to 1) introduce mutual information as a measure of similarity and 2) to show the nonlinear relationship between correlation and information my means of a relatively simple example
A significant part of Statistical analysis is understanding how random variables are related – how much knowledge about the value of one variable tells us about the value of another. This post will consider this issue in the context of Gaussian random variables. More specifically, we will compare- and discuss the relationship between- correlation and mutual information.
Mutual Information
The Mutual Information between 2 random variables is the amount of information that one gains about a random variable by observing the value of the other.…