The Tenth Southern Hemisphere Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics

Edit: I had a great deal of help for the poster from Andreas Matt, Antonia Mey and Adam Weston.

Tomorrow I will head to Port Elizabeth to the Elephant Delta 2015 conference: The Tenth Southern Hemisphere Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics – quite a mouthful of a title! It looks like it’s going to be an incredibly full week with a huge amount of new information, new people and new ideas. I am going to attempt to blog as much as I can from the conference. The program is spectacularly full with parallel sessions running through the day. The program can be found here.

I am already having a tough time deciding which talks to attend, so if you have a look at the program and see something that you would really like me to write about, then please leave a comment and I will do my best to get there and write up what I learn.…

AIMS-IMAGINARY – Maths and Science Exhibition and Workshop in Mbour, Senegal

I was lucky enough to attend the first of these workshops in AIMS, Muizenberg and indeed that is where Mathemafrica was born. This should be a great event! Photo is taken from the first program:


Text below taken from the workshop/roadshow/exhibition website

This second edition of the AIMSIMAGINARY Maths and Science Roadshow, Workshop and Exhibition will showcase interactive visual and hands-on tools used to stimulate interest in maths and sciences among diverse groups of people. The event targets primary, secondary, high school and university learners and teachers/lecturers. It will consist of (1) an AIMSIMAGINARY Maths and Science Roadshow packed with hands-on activities and discussions, (2) an AIMSIMAGINARY Maths and Science Exhibition, (3) discussions by interested participants willing to be part of the AIMSIMAGINARY network to share ideas and plan for future events, and (4) a Science Slam event. The event is being organized by the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) and supported by IMAGINARY and the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, and the Government of Senegal.

By | September 8th, 2015|Advertising, Conference advert, English|0 Comments

Attracting women and girls to careers in physics – video seminar on the 6th of August

Attracting women and girls to careers in physics

This seminar may be attended via video conference in Pretoria, Cape Town and KwaZulu-Natal. Details are indicated below.

The HSRC Seminar Series In collaboration with the Africa Institute of South Africa

Speaker: Dr Malebo Tibane, Department of Physics, Unisa,

Discussant: Dr Palesa Sekhejane, HSRC

Chair: Prof. Narnia Bohler-Muller, HSRC

Venues in Pretoria, Durban and Cape Town (Videoconferencing facilities: see below)

Date: 6 August 2015

Time: 12h30 – 14H00

Representation of girls and women in the Physics related sector is declining or stagnating globally and locally. Therefore, issues that hamper on the development of women to participate equally in male-dominated spheres need to be discussed and captured adequately to create an enabling environment for women and girls in the sciences, and physics in general. In November 2005 Women in Physics in South Africa (WiPiSA) was launched, with funding from the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and under the auspices of the South African Institute of Physics.…

By | July 19th, 2015|Advertising, Conference advert, English, Event, News|0 Comments

National Conference on Multilingualism in Higher Education

Eventually we want to make this a multilingual blogging platform. Some of the translations of the framework are in, and we hope to have the structure implemented soon. In addition we would love to get people blogging in other languages, and to get some of the current content translated.

The multilingual nature of South Africa is a very important issue in terms of education and there will be a conference focusing on this in August at UNISA. Check it out here.

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By | June 4th, 2015|Background, Conference advert|0 Comments

Women in Mathematics for Social Change & Sustainable Livelihoods

Please see here the poster for the women in Mathematics for social change and sustainable livelihoods conference in Naivasha, Kenya in July 2015.

AMUCWA-AWMA Kenya announcement

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By | March 4th, 2015|Conference advert, English|2 Comments

3rd International Workshop on Nonlinear and Modern Mathematical Physics 9-11 April 2015, Cape Town, South Africa

Check out the following conference happening near Cape Town in April:

3rd International Workshop on Nonlinear and Modern Mathematical Physics 9-11 April 2015, Cape Town, South Africa


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By | March 2nd, 2015|Conference advert, English, News|0 Comments