Professor Rajendran Govender from the University of the Western Cape presented the objectives and future plans of the Universities South Africa (USAf) Teaching and Learning of Mathematics Community of Practice (TLM CoP) at the 2-day meeting at the University of Johannesburg, 29 – 30 August 2018

R Govender

  • In accordance with the principles guiding a community of practice, the TLM CoP provides an opportunity for academics and relevant other university staff members to collaborate, network and share knowledge on issues of common interest or concern.
  • The objectives of the TLM CoP are to promote and strengthen the teaching and learning of Mathematics in public universities in South Africa by:

1.Developing and recommending strategies for the sector to ensure improved access and success in the teaching and learning of Mathematics, thus contributing directly to the transformation needs of South Africa. (session dedicated to this at the next meeting)

2.Providing a shared, common platform from which successful initiatives may be disseminated.

3.Providing a shared, common platform from which to find ways to enhance and facilitate collaboration between and amongst universities.

4.Supporting academics and relevant other university staff members through building collegial relationships and developing capacity.

5.Exploring the development of a diagnostic instrument to identify deficiencies in beginner students’ Mathematics in order to plan individual remediation.

6.Expediting extended Mathematics programmes and advocating for extended/ foundation/ bridging degree programmes.

7.Contributing to the development of, and initiating activities designed to enhance the participation of postgraduate students in Mathematics, and Mathematics research.

8.Benchmarking, developing, advocating and sharing good practice and relevant information needed to advance the pedagogy of those responsible for the teaching of Mathematics in higher education institutions.

9.Benchmarking, developing, advocating and sharing good practice and relevant information needed to advance teacher education in Mathematics.  (Not enough of this has been done around advocacy and benchmarking.)

10.Exploring and making recommendations regarding the transformation of the teaching and learning of Mathematics in public universities.

Work Stream Leaders

  • Extended Curriculum Programmes – Prof Alfred Msomi (MUT)
  • Decolonization of the Mathematics Curriculum- Dr Kabelo Chuene (UL)
  • Technical Mathematics – Dr Mark Jacobs (CPUT)
  • Assessment Practices- Dr Pragashni Padayachee (UCT)
  • Carnegie Pathways Project- Prof Darren Lortan (DUT)
  • Transformation of teaching and learning practices – Prof Rajen Govender (UWC)
  • Mathematics teacher education – Prof Rajen Govender (UWC)
  • University mathematics – Dr Mosa Chaisi (WSU)
  • ICT- Blended and Flexible Learning – Dr Andrew Craig (UJ)


1.Work stream leaders brainstorm with peers and propose an action plan to USAF TLMCoP on the area of focus.

2.USAF Conference in 2019 – 1 day for TLMCoP workshops and papers

3.Invite other stakeholders that have vested interest in mathematics and/or mathematics Education to the TLMCoP

4. Schedule of meetings and venues for 2019.


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