The exploitation of videos in teacher training

Marcia Jussara Hepp Rehfaldt, University of Vale do Taquari, Brazil

5th year of a research project on primary mathematics education. Using videos to teach mathematical modelling to teachers in training.

Steps for creating videos

  1. Mathematical modelling practices were developed by researchers and recorded on video, e.g. how to choose a team.
  2. Editing the image and created slides on an online platform
  3. The narrative and final editing were carried out.

The narrative was tabulated. Each of 14 screens was described by what was said and displayed.

What was done with the video?

  • Training courses with undergraduate students in teaching
  • Teachers in 6 schools
  • Online training courses – no professors wanted to go to the northeast state of Brazil after kidnappings

After the video, sent questionnaire to participants and analysed using Tagcrowd software to find most mentioned words (word cloud).

  • Common words: mathematica, tendancias, contribuiu, video, clara, ensino, aprendizagem, alunos.
  • Most cited: clear/clearly, contributed/contribute.
  • “I have read about mathematical modelling. The video showed how we can do actually do this.”
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