Positions available at The UCT Department of Maths and Applied Maths

Two positions are currently open at the UCT department of Maths and Applied Maths: One as a lecturer or senior lecturer, and the other is a teaching position. Please share. PDFs are here: L/SL for the lecturer/senior lecturer position and here: Teaching for the teaching position.


Science SCI_16041_L_MAM_teaching md(1)

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By | March 6th, 2016|Job advert|0 Comments

Conference: Homological Methods in Algebra and Geometry at AIMS-Ghana

Dear all,

We are writing to inform you about a school and workshop titled “Homological Methods in Algebra and Geometry”. The first week will consist of three minicourses. The second week will comprise of research talks on these topics. The school and workshop are funded and supported by AIMS-Ghana and the ICTP.

Dates: 1st -12th of August 2016
Location: AIMS-Ghana, Biriwa, Ghana
Website: http://aimsictp2016.weebly.com/

The goals of the conference are twofold: on the one hand, to inspire the communication of state-of-the-art research within these flourishing areas and the exchange of ideas between them. On the other hand, to give African postgraduates and researchers the opportunity to get in touch with international experts in order to help them enter one of these fields.

Some funding is available to cover travel and local costs of participants. Preference will be given to those based in the region. Please consult the website for information on how to apply and register.…

By | March 5th, 2016|Conference|0 Comments

Computational Complexity; A Soft Approach

Motivation: Mathematics for the Masses

It is my firm conviction, and I preach it when ever I can, that one day in
the near future, mathematics shall save us all. A ”grand claim,” I hear you
say; but not at all, mathematics is believed by many to be the language of
Mother Universe, and indeed, those who have adopted it as a native tongue
have been granted glimpses into her secrets. Intuitively, my claim is not hard
to defend, given the pervasive influence that technology has over our lives; from
health to communication, entertainment, art and culture; science has become an
indispensable companion. Amongst the sciences, mathematics is the common
denominator that binds them all. It is the life blood of all other scientific inquiry.
As the world faces seemingly intractable challenges, be it global health, world
peace or universal prosperity, it has become imperative that more of us engage
in scientific exploration and innovation, for, if history is anything to go by, this
is where we shall find the answers we seek.…

By | March 3rd, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Ishango, Nyakubereka Svomhu

Tikaverenga nezve matangiro nemakuriro akaita ruzivo resvomhu pasi rose, tino katyamadzwa kuti hakuna zvakawanda zvakanyorwa pamusoro wezvakaitwa nevanhu Africa yevatema. Kushaikwa kwezvinyorwa uku kunopa kuti tifunge kuti hapana ruzivo rwesvomhu rwakakosha runobva munzvimbo iyi. Asi ichi ichokwadi here? Tichitarisa matangiro akaita svomhu tinoona kuti yaive mbesa yekuti vanhu vakwanise kubudirira mutsinhana nemukurima. Makore churu apfuura Africa yevatema yekawona kukwira kwemarudzi avanhu kwakawanda; kukwirira uku kuchibva mutsinhanha nemukurima; Kwakaita vanonzi vaNok vekuma dokero kweAfrica, kwoitawo vaBuganda kumabvazuva, koitawo vainzi vanhu veGreat Kongo vachiri kuwanikwa pakati peAfrica; tisinga kanganwi rudzi rwekwaMutapa vaiva vakavaka Dzimba Dzemabwe; pamarudzi ose awa nemamwewo akakwira nekudonha hapana here rudzi rwakaumba ruzivo rwesvomu, sokuti mamwe acho akanga akabudikira zvakanyanya tichitarisa pasi rose nguva iyoyo. Mubvunzo uyu wakandipa kuti ndiite tsvagiridzo munyaya iyi, izvi ndizvo zvimwe zvakakosha zvandakawana.

Pano ganhurana nyika dzeD.R. Congo neUganda ndipo pane muromo werwizi rweNaire (Nile) unonzi Lake Edward. Makore makumi maviri ezviuru apfuura (25,000 years ago), pane musha wevanhu wakadzika midzi pamuganhu uyu.…

By | March 1st, 2016|Uncategorized|1 Comment