About Jackreece Ejini

I am a Geneticist/Biotechnologist, Computer Programmer, Artificial Intelligence researcher, Mathematics enthusiast. I currently serve as Wolfram Ambassador for Africa and I am passionate about computer-based math with Mathematica

From Novice to AI with Wolfram Language

I have been publishing a series of Wolfram language lectures for some time now on this platform, I think we have about 6 lessons so far. I had written a full Wolfram Notebook for a course on Wolfram language programming and Artificial Intelligence I first taught at Kaduna State University Nigeria and decided to share them here.

The course is fast paced and takes you from Novice to AI practitioner in the shortest time possible. I taught this course over a period of 3 days so it is really fast paced. Enjoy!

Follow the link to see the lecture with Wolfram Notebook From Novice to AI

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By | June 24th, 2019|Mathematica, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Learn Wolfram Mathematica in the Cloud Part 6

Today we delve into Associations aka Dictionaries in languages like Python

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By | May 24th, 2019|Level: Simple, Mathematica|0 Comments

Learn Wolfram Mathematica in the Cloud part 5

Let’s do some list FU, a kind of Kung Fu with Wolfram language lists

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By | May 22nd, 2019|Level: Simple, Mathematica, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Wolfram Language, the Language of Mathematica is now Free!

The language that powers Mathematica is now available for free! Head here or here to read more about this new release. Or go straight to the download page to start tinkering with it.

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By | May 22nd, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Learn Wolfram Mathematica in the cloud part 4

Diving deeper into lists

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By | May 16th, 2019|Level: Simple, Mathematica|0 Comments

Learn Wolfram Mathematica in the cloud part 3

Dipping into Lists

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By | May 14th, 2019|Level: Simple, Mathematica, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Learn Wolfram Mathamatica Part 2

Today we see how to use Wolfram language as a Calculator using the Notebook environment

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By | May 10th, 2019|Level: Simple, Mathematica|0 Comments

Introduction to Wolfram Mathematica programming

Mathematica is becoming an indispensable tool for doing all kinds of computation and it is important to know how to use it as it will leverage your problem-solving skills, allowing you focus on higher level issues of modelling solutions rather than focusing too much on calculational details.

I will be posting short lessons regularly and the good news is you don’t need to install anything locally as all examples can be run online. If you need to do any form of extensive programming you can always go to the Wolfram Cloud and click on Programming Lab and get access for free.

Instructions on running code

If you don’t have a Wolfram ID, create one as this will give you access to the Wolfram Cloud. After you have done this sign in. If you have one then simply sign into the Wolfram Cloud.

If you have downloaded the notebook file from the blog and saved it somewhere then do the following to upload it to the cloud so you can play with the code.…

By | May 9th, 2019|Level: Simple, Mathematica|0 Comments